Saturday, May 19, 2007


I'm big on acceptance. As long as a person hasn't deliberately hurt another being I accept that person and the choices that they make. I often find it ironic that many folks who have lifestyles the most outside of the "norm" have the least amount of acceptance of others. Perhaps the reason they live at the outskirts of normalcy is their lack of acceptance of new ideas. resulting in fear of change. I'm immediately reminded of this as I spent a lot of time searching the web for alternative living arrangement ideas and stumbled onto one "close-knit" group. The very first post I read on the Yahoo Van Dwellers group ( was a harangue that nearly called a new poster an outright liar. Of course it takes all kinds, but I was still surprised at the level of animosity in the post. Now that I've read awhile I understand where it is coming from. I suggest that if someone says they are disabled or are having problems in life, just sympathize and don't judge them. Treat them as if they are being honest. If they are lying it is on them. The problem is still a valid problem for someone and a fair answer is a kind and valid answer. Someone who needs the answer may see it. Chill out!

Thinking outside of the box is key to survival, and probably happiness too. Youngest son gave me a big hug today and thanked me for being a voice of reason. Wow! I'm honored. I try to look at both sides of things and make few judgments unless someone is being unfairly hurt or inconvenienced by the actions of others. Had a neat argument with Little Bird about Brokeback Mountain. She was entirely sympathetic to the main characters, two fellows who cheated on their wives in an illicit sexual affair with each other. Sorry dear, two wrongs do not make a right--I don't buy that mean old society was forcing them to be illicit. Their love affair was illicit at the time, due to societal mores and due to the vows they made to their wives. Smart people keep illicit sexual affairs secret for a reason. There is a problem and you are doing something that is extremely wrong. I didn't have an issue with the illicit sexual affair until the young women became caught up in it. In the Native American tradition, these men weren't even Berdache! It was an offense to my soul. No wonder other men choose to condemn the act in a violent way. If that had been my husband I'd have ripped his dick off myself. Other than any lying, cheating, or living on the down-low, I otherwise think homosexuality is a valid expression of humanity for others, but it isn't a god-given right to indulge oneself.