Thursday, June 21, 2007

Paris Hilton New Justice For Rocky Delgadillo

I am laughing my asp off! It has now come to light that Paris Hilton's "adamant" prosecutor is a flaming hypocrite! Well, I say hoist him on his own petard. In case you have been living in a van down by the river and missed it, it turns out that Rocky Delgadillo's wife, Michelle Delgadillo, is a fugitive from justice. She has an outstanding warrant for her arrest for driving on a suspended license, the same as Paris Hilton! The only possible option that I see is that Michelle Delgadillo should serve AT LEAST 45 days in jail, and I mean ALL OF IT!!! I think that Rocky Delgadillo himself should serve the appropriate sentence for covering up his wife's numerous crimes. Plus, Rocky Delgadillo should be DISBARRED! As an officer of the court it is up to him to turn in these cases, not cover them up.


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