Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Gag, snort, expell mucous, I have a damned job interview tomorrow. Just my luck I'll get the freaking job. Anyway, I could use $50 an hour for a few months to finish up some financial planning and to get the van of my dreams. Perhaps my accident case will settle while I'm working. Blech! I really don't want to work again. Face it, I'm not building a career or saving for a house anymore. I'm not getting retirement out of it, this is a contract job. I will be trading 45 hours of my precious time for $1650 a week after taxes and will probably hate every minute of it.

On the plus side I will be happy to have another freakin' reference and should probably spend my spare time building the website for my future software sales when I'm living in a van down by the river! But I want to be gone! I want to be in the van heading off to wherever. OK, responsible person that I am I know that if I live by my own rules for the next six months I could save $36,000 for use in getting ready for living out of my van. So I will put my silly butt to bed at midnight and set the alarm for 5:00 am. I will get up and groom myself and study .NET so that I sound like I freakin' care at the interview. I'm trading 45 hours of my time for an additional $3000 a month. What a whore! And my agency is the pimp. I really don't like living the life of an IT whore. So pray for me that this stupid contract five miles from my house will fall through! Wah, wah, wah!

I know, there are a lot of people who would kill to make the kind of money I am capable of making. The problem is that I don't want to work for anybody else but I don't have the money to put my own ideas into practice yet. What to do? I know, I'll scratch off my Pennsylvania lottery tickets and check on the Powerball drawing for today!

No luck, I lost $4 today. I guess I should go through with the interview. The reason I will do this is because I have to in order to be eligible for unemployment. So I really can't lose. Job equals $6k else UE and other activities equals $3.5k. Sigh....

I'm staying with Brutus tonight. It is 11:42 and he's been snoring for hours now. We had dinner at our favorite all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. As a vegan, I love sushi! I first learned about it when I lived in Hawaii. It's ok, sushi means "sweet rice" or "rice snack". It is sashimi that means raw fish. I eat avocado and veggie rolls with my own stash of Soy Vey! as the dipping sauce. Anyway, Brutus thinks I should get the job and move in with him. I think I should get the job and move in with him for six months. I wish he'd get with the program. LOL

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