Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cats vs Dogs

Cats and I get along very, very well. We don't have any socialization issues or soiling issues, which is often the same thing. However, I just got a teeny, weeny 11 week old female Chihuahua named Zena. No problems just yet, but from all the dog socialization websites out there it would lead you to believe that a cat lover would be more alpha with a dog than dog lovers are. Humans failing to be "alpha" is what appears to confuse dogs. This lead me to think about the cat lover's way of life, in contrast.

My old roommate had a Chihuahua who seemed fairly tolerable, not yappy, but he was completely in charge of being let out and being walked. On the order of 20 times a day! Oh, no we don't! My Chihuahua will be using a litter pan! LOL

Cat's only require a few simple things. Peace and quiet, cleanliness, a scrupulously clean litter pan or two, food and water available at all times. If you socialize your new kitten or cat properly with those conditions, you won't get bitten, scratched, or mauled, and you won't find eliminations in the wrong place.

Bring your new kitten or cat home and have a quiet room prepared that has a clean litter pan, food, and water. Make sure it is a clean room with nothing left on the floor. If you don't respect your space, they figure anything goes. It's rugs, laundry, paper, and boxes left out that get special kitty attention at bathroom time.

So, for a few days, confine the cat and all interaction to the one room. Play with your cat by using a fishing rod type of toy, never, NEVER directly with your hands. You don't want them to think that it's ever ok to engage you with their teeth and claws. I have six cats, two who were feral, who never hiss, scratch, or bite. They got nail clipping attention early and often, and were not bothered unless they wanted to play.

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