The biggest issue was my disorganization and an excess of stuff. I had to toss in everything I thought I might need or want on the trip, then got on the road before rush hour. There was no time to organize anything. I was lucky to keep the load from sliding around too much. Once I got to the park and backed into my site, I plugged into the electric and threaded the heavy duty extension cord through the side window. I plugged a power strip into the cord and charged my cell phone and ran a small fan for ventilation. That's what I did right. I also brought the real necessities: beer and food, and in that order. I only drank two beers on the trip but in Pennsylvania the blue laws insist you buy beer by the case, so I had to keep the beer cold so it wouldn't get skunky. The rest of the larder consisted of veggies, mushrooms, hummus, blackberries, and blueberries. Yummo!
There was stuff everywhere! I stayed in the van for several hours working it all out. I think my pop-up camping neighbors thought I was acting a bit odd, but I was there for my own purpose, which was to checkout the van camping setup and improve it. There were several large and small plastic bins that were used to organize the necessities. There was a bin for food, one for dishes and utensils to eat with, and one for cooking equipment. That seemed like a lot. The first time I tried van camping I used two large plastic chests with three drawers that hid most of the clutter. Those were bungied to the front seats and taped to keep them closed. Henry was a taller van than Rocky is, so I didn't think the drawers would work this time. I may have to try them out.
There is a also a black hassock shaped port-a-potty with a grey lid. I'm using black trash can liners doubled inside, with some biodegrading additive for the smell. I didn't notice an odor unless I removed the lid. It wasn't too bad then either.
In the picture above you can see the green plastic sewing organizer I rescued from little bird's basement hoard, plus an inverter that I plan to keep charged and in the van for casual use, a white trash can with a plastic pop-up lid that stays closed to keep the stench down, plus the blue fan. The orange handled device is for cutting firewood, and the water jug and dishes are self-explanatory.
Order started to come out of the chaos of it all, and I was able to make curtains and put them up. This was for a sense of privacy, though with the lights on it was clear that you could still see into the van in the dark. I'll need privacy curtains, so that's a new shopping task. That box seen in the picture above contains some hiking items I ordered in the mail that I wanted to inspect while out camping. I'm experimenting with the overall weight of my sleeping system, and got some disposable sleeping bags to keep in the van for social emergencies when I'm planning a hike with others who may be ill-prepared.
Those are my toes, relaxing at the end of the sleeping pad. My left ankle is as swollen and misshapen as it looks, from the accident, but I get by. The cooler had to be set to hang over the doorstep to drain. It is a Walmart cooler that leaks, and until I can stop it up correctly, it will have to drain to the steps rather than the rug as it did before I discovered it. I think I can cut some rubber to fit inside, or even some silicon. I'd like to make a permanent bed area off the floor in the back, over the area to store plastic bins, then put the drawers against the wall behind the driver's seat. The toilet hassock can be used as a seat, and I need a space for storing a folding table and chair to use outside. The driver and passenger seats are a waste of space at the moment, but will probaby be used as a space to stash little used items while in camp. I still need to make or buy something to cover the dash and front windows, for privacy. I'd like to get some screen to make covers for all the windows that open, during the buggy seasons of the year.
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