Friday, March 28, 2008

Van Traveling - continued

It is nearly 7 am on Friday morning. I should have left on Wednesday, but the sinus infection really hampered my efforts. I was so tired that every action seemed fruitless. I gave myself the day off Thursday and I'm satisfied that I loaded up enough stuff in the van to make today a bit easier.

I need to do a few hours of work and upload the software for review of a prototype solution to handle photo graphics. Then I'll shower and dress, start up one last load of laundry, and pack up the van. Because I'm not sure when I'll be back, I need to drag the trash out and clean up the place a bit. I'm leaving Marie's cat, Spike, so his litter pan and toilet area needs to be cleaned and changed out.

I believe that at some point I'll be on the road towards Pennsylvania today. I've considered, really considered, obtaining a small trailer to clear the RV and take everything. But I'll hold myself back.

Once I get to Pennsylvania I'm staying with my messy clutterbug friend so I'll unload the van completely into a storage room, then load back only what I need to live with. If I tackle one box a day, I could have all my memorabilia and paperwork consolidated and handled by the end of April. That is huge! That gets me to the point where only personal, kitchen, and jewelry/crafts are left--the moneymakers!

I need to get out of my own way!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Van Traveling

OK, I admit it. This trip to Pennsylvania is about van traveling, not van dwelling. I have so much stuff anyway, I couldn't sleep in there if I wanted to.

Rocky the Van is loaded up so far with both bench seats, all the memoribilia, all the paperwork, most of the office supplies, most of the jewelry, and some miscellaneous items. I have one of the white plastic utility three drawer units in the front bench seat. Next I'm sorting out the clothes in my room so that some is in a bag to carry to and fro, while the rest is in the drawers. Once I empty the other drawers they will go next on the bench seat to be filled. At least they are high enough in the bench seat to keep crap from hitting me when I have to stop quickly. I just ate a quick vegie burger to give me strength.

The other utility drawers are in place, and packed up. Pretty much everything I'm taking is in the van, except for kitchen stuff, the laptop, the monitor/TV, and my bedding. I postponed the trip yesterday because I felt just miserable from the beginnings of a sinus infection. My tail was dragging all day.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Van Dwelling

It hasn't really sunk in yet that van dwelling is more than a set of tasks on my to do list. This time it's just about the van. It doesn't need anything done to it or for it. It just "is". This one isn't about how many generators I can get into it, or when is the vent getting installed, or covering up metal walls. This is a passenger van with two bench seats and carpeting, and is fairly finished inside. The doors are conveniently arranged and the windows are darkly tinted. So even curtains aren't absolutely necessary. I'll check that out later tonight.

I've let my mind go in circles trying to decide what this trip to Pennsylvania means for me. It was mainly about seeing my son and his new baby that is due this week. And secondarily it was about the lawsuit and the trial scheduled for the 31st. The job is out there, too. Though I wouldn't have to be tied to the job. The freedom that is all tied up in that van is something I just can't comprehend the same way I accepted the shackles of restricted living. I can come and go, with or without stuff, really I can.

I've mentally explored endless possibilities in trying to decide what to take, what to leave behind, and how I will live out there. I still have a lot of stuff and if I wanted to stay in Pennsylvania for a month or more, then I don't want to be thinking I'd like to make some soy milk then remember the soy milk maker is in Missouri. I might want to work on craft projects, but the same condition applies. Where is all the stuff? Then what happens if I lose my stuff? This is a George Carlin schtick if I ever saw one. Stuff, stuff! Everywhere and nowhere is the stuff!

I did shop a little for the new van: big toolbox, large rectangular zipper bag to organize van dwelling stuff, a port-a-potty for those nights or days when I'm too shy to go into a facility, LED lantern, and some camping cookware. I have stuff all over the living room of the RV as I'm trying to organize before loading the van before my trip.

The priorities are work (PC, hardware enclosure, laptop, printer, scanner, camera, software), personal (clothes, shoes, toiletries), paperwork (consolidate even more!), memoribilia (scanning project), camping & hiking gear, garden & sprouting stuff, kitchen gear (if I decide to get a place). Nice-to-have would be all the jewelry supplies and tools, and my dolls and crafts. And then there are the cats, Spike and Kristi Belle Belle. My head is spinning.

Do I go ahead and take out the bench seats then put in the living space, which means storing the bench seats in Missouri? Or, do I leave in the bench seats and take all the above items, leaving the cats and the crafts? I don't really have time for crafts if I'm going to visit my son and the new baby, hike as much as possible, finish consolidating the paperwork, and further consolidate memoribilia in the scanning project. If I'm going to stay in Pennsylvania I don't necessarily want to drive all the way back to Missouri to get the cats and the crafts, but I would have to come back anyway to sell the car. Argh! See why I can't stop the voices in my head?

OK, calming down a bit. I'll take the bench seats, work stuff, kitchen stuff, paperwork, memoribilia, and hiking & camping gear. I'll take my air mattresses in case I want a real bed. I'll leave the Spike and take Kristi Belle Belle. Marie will take Spike if for some reason I can't get back here (I hope, he's her cat!). I'll stuff other things into the van, things I can't easily or cheaply replace. Then I'll rent a storage room in Pennsylvania to hold the stuff while I leisurely go through it. This is really, really ridiculous! I'm really not all about my stuff, but I do have some hobbies and I haven't had a chance to work all this out.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Speaking of Clutter

Oy vey! Speaking of clutter here, I have to seriously handle my business because it is time to head out to Pennsylvania to work and to see my newest grandchild who is on the way. I have paperwork to do and send out, plus I need to decide what to take.

I acquired a 2000 Dodge Ram van extended body for $4900 today. Tomorrow I pick it up, get it registered in Missouri, then mail out paperwork, then get the car inspected so that it can be registered in Missouri so I can sell it. But I probably won't have the title back in time to sell it before my trip to Pennsylvania.

This weekend I need to prep the van with my sleeping arrangements and storage needs in order to travel and visit folks without having to unpack. Ideally I can sleep in the van during comfortable weather and just bring in a toiletry bag and my laptop when I need to shower or work. I'm liking this idea.

Today it is 5:00 pm and I'm home from running, waiting for Brock's girlfriend to stop by and get both her taxes done plus get a lecture on household management. Then I need to finish up my own work, and fit in some time with doing my paperwork and taxes and copies and preparation to mail things. Hopefully I'll get enough time in to enjoy myself and make some jewelry.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Less is More

Do you live surrounded by clutter yet spend your precious mental energy buying more stuff? Do you have more books & movies than you could watch in a lifetime? Are you providing for the care and feeding of paper that appears to be successfully reproducing itself when the lights go out? Do you want to live in simplicity and peace? You can turn this around for yourself without cleaning it, organizing it, or throwing it all out.

Because you are a perfectionist and you are waiting for the magical day when it will all be squared away, you are too tired, too drained, too confused, and too defeated to try cleaning it up even one more time. I understand because I have been there too.

If you use my system you will become more organized every day by becoming more functional. Functional means knowing where your keys and cell phone are, being able to put your hands on your bills and on paper, pens, envelopes, and stamps when you need them. Because you are going to enjoy that feeling so much that you will want more of it!

You need to have one shelf or surface near your front door where you will keep four boxes the size of shoe boxes. Box #1 is for keys, wallet, cell phone. Box #2 is for envelopes, stamps, pens, scissors, and tape. Box #3 is for bills and important papers. Box #4 is for returns, like movies, books, and stuff that is going out of your house. Keep a trash can right outside your front door and use it often! When you get the mail, toss everything except your bills, your checks, and your important correspondence before it comes into the house.

When you generate trash each day, take it to the trash can in front of your house. Take all the unused trash cans in the house and place them outside. You must follow this rule: bring NOTHING into the house until every trash can is filled and taken by the sanitation service, then you can bring one THING in. Otherwise, try to live on what you have cluttering up your house.

Need money? Sell stuff on Craigslist. Hungry, swim through the debris in the kitchen and sweep everything off the counters with your arms. Take food out of the fridge until you find something that doen't have mold, taking the bad stuff to the trash can outside your front door. While the food is cooking or heating up, wash just the dishes you need to eat with at this meal, plus wash dishes for the next meal. Eat. Take the trash from this meal out to the trash can in front of your house. Then wash all the dishes in the kitchen and put them away.

Tip #1: Your kitchen should contain ONLY two glasses, two plates, two bowls, two spoons, and two forks for each person in your household. Pick your favorites and put them in the cabinets and take all the extras to a thrift store ASAP. Do NOT buy anything at the thrift store.

By the time you have eaten and washed your dishes, you need to think about tomorrow. Find ONLY the clothes that you plan to wear tomorrow, then wash them and fold them and put them away. Sweep the rest of the clothes, shoes, and accessorie into a pile. Make a big pile in the corner. The goal is to have a bed you can lay out on full length to get a good nights sleep because you deserve it!. You and your family also deserve to have clean clothes for tomorrow, and only for tomorrow.

Tip #2: When you watch tv make it a habit to get up during every commercial and take seven articles of trash to the trash can outside of your front door. Make a game out of it! Anything goes, including old newspapers, magazines, magazine clippings, empty food containers, dog poop, dust bunnies, and even old shoes.

If you want a snack, first go into your bathroom and clean one of the following: sink, toilet, tub, floor, mirror, counter, cabinet. Then wade into the kitchen and get one item to eat, taking all your trash to the trash can outside the front door.

Tip #3: Don't buy another item to eat until your refrigerator is completely empty. Then wash the refrigerator and make a menu for the next week, trying to make use of the items overflowing from the cupboards. Be creative! You may be able to save hundreds of dollars in food costs by eating what you have and trip over, rather than buying things you don't have room to store.

Before you go to bed for the night, make sure your cell phone, keys, and wallet/purse are in the box by the door. Make sure your freshly laundered clothes are put away. This is the highest priority every day.

Tip #4: Get big cardboard boxes at work. Bring them home and immediately fill them with clutter from your entry way. Grab things like toiletries out of the pile if you see them and take those things to the bathroom--toss them on the floor with everything else. If you see clothes, take them to the huge pile in your room--that goes for shoes and accessories. If you find bills, stamps, pens, tape, scissors or stamps then put them in the box by the front door. If you feel like taking any trash that you see out to the trash can by your front door, then that's fine. Fill that cardboard box up, close it after rescuing any returns (which go in the box by the front door). Keep bringing home boxes, and box up the clutter stacking the boxes up to the ceiling. Don't organize anything! Do NOT under any circumstance label anything. Leave important things on the floor where you might find them again. If you simply MUST, then put important paperwork in the special box by the door, and put the miscellaneous paperwork in one box near the front door. If you have to find something that is where it could probably be.

In the morning, you should shower and dress as soon as you get up. Then stand and supervise your children dressing in their clean clothes. If your kids are small, you can clean the sink or the floor or the toilet while they bathe. When everyone is dressed then assemble everyone in the kitchen where you will prepare/find food, wash dishes for the next meal, and get everyone to take some trash to the trash can outside your door. Don't do too much today. Get the kids to school and take a box of extra kitchen stuff to the thrift store, then go to work. Work like a dog and try to get as much stuff done as possible. Be sure and file everything away and clean your desk off before heading home.

As soon as you get home assemble everybody in the kitchen/dining room, clear a table (just shove the crap onto the floor), do homework with the kids while you prepare a meal and clean the fridge out. Every day you should:

If it's open, close it.
If it's on the floor pick it up.
If it's in the fridge eat it first, then the stuff in the freezer, then the stuff in the cabinets.
If you have two of the same thing, give one away.
If you need it, do without or dig it out of the mess.
If you wear it, put it in the: hamper, washer, closet, drawer, give-away pile.
If you want to keep it, then take care of it.
If its in a pile, it was never that important.
People are more important than things.

Smile and remember that Less is more!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What life is all about

Today was so peaceful that I don't remember any particular part as different from any other part of the day. I capped the day off by inviting neighbors over for a bonfire on the concrete pad outside the RV. I had a small grill that I picked up at odd lots for $10 and had amassed a huge pile of deadfall. That was the basis of the friendly bonfire and a get together with beer and wine. I just got done with all the festivities and now I'm putting my brain to bed. Yawn....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Anxiety and my favorite herbs

Heh, heh, you thought this was about "those" herbs, didn't ya? I'm a pretty straight arrow, outside of a few of my favorite brews on occasion. No, today I was feeling an extreme amount of anxiety over all the known, unknown, and forecasted outcomes to my financial situation. The contract work, the taxes, the accident case, all roiled and broiled around my head until I felt like it was spinning. It's about 6:39 pm Missouri time and I think I need to go to sleep and start tomorrow around 1:00 am. When I first get up in the morning and if I get my brain engaged in software development I can usually put the thoughts of doom and gloom on another thread.

But gloom and doom were paramount this morning and basically nothing got done, i.e., "accomplished". I ended up researching my accident case and it is still on the schedule with a trial date set. I just figured they'd won their motion for summary judgement, and now I get to worry about actually going to trial. While trying to finish my software project, while worrying about the outcome of the tax situation. Yes, that's what I'm talking about--S T R E S S, with a capital D, which stand for impending doom. I even made a list of the items I need to do to get away from all this. Hence a trip to the local health food store to grab some tinture of Kava. I hope it helps because I need some relief from this massive amount of anxiety.

I've mentioned before that if the going gets too tough, this time I'll leave without a vehicle. I'm still wedded to a certain amount of my stuff so I need to position that stuff where I can easily get to it if I'm without a vehicle. I have to review my survival gear and get it ready for a quick trip to anywhere. At some point I would get a vehicle, but it would not be in my name. So that is the plan. This week I will divest myself of some stuff, position the rest, and start planning my escape. I'm only holding onto this job in order to keep up with all the illusions of civilization that will assist me in getting closer to an actual accident settlement or win at trial.

So, back to the tincture of Kava and an early bedtime. I'm going to get through this! Dammit.