Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting Back to Now

As in the power of now, I'm trying very hard to get back to now, rather than dwelling on past and future. My cat is all about now so I'm following her lead. She eats, she sleeps, she poops, she just is. I just now ate a lovely lunch of water and a salad. The salad was laden with mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, carrots, cherry tomatoes, brocolli, cauliflour, sunflower seeds, dried cranberry bits, dried blueberries, sweet vidalia onions, a tomato vinagrette, plus some essential oils (flax & sundry omega fatty acids). I ate a huge bowl of it, which should keep me in the now of software development for a few hours yet.

It's raining outside, pretty steadily. Hot oolong tea is steaming by my side, and it's drinkable now. I serve myself tea without sugars or additives, to enjoy it for its own true nature. I woke up feeling anxious about getting everything done to go camping for three days. I'm behind in my work, behind in getting ready, and I don't have a broadband card. Plus its raining. So I decided not to be anxious and possibly just bag tonight and stay here at Little Bird's. That will take some pressure off as I finish getting ready and continue to make progress on the software.

I'll work to the point where I have made significant progress, then I'll dismantle my current cramped living arrangements upstairs, with the plan of sleeping in the van. Then I can help Little Bird's stash more clutter into the room I'm cramped out in now. I will take some before and after pictures. But really now, shouldn't I be living out of the van? That's what I'll contemplate on my camping trip this time. It all comes back to the cat. I can't leave her in a hot van or a van with the windows open. I also don't envision being with her 24 x 7. That is my dilemna, else I'd be working in the van right now.

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